If you make a port stop in Valencia, there’s nothing better than enjoying one of our guided cruise tours.
So you don’t miss out on your visit to Valencia, and so you can see as much as possible in the available time, we offer several options to discover the most iconic of the city’s monuments and sights, but if you prefer, you can choose a «custom tour».
Starting at the port or in the historic center, we’ll tour the city to discover the essentials of Valencia.

  • ROUTE: Torres de Serranos, Palacio de las Cortes, Plaza de la Virgen, Palacio de la Generalitat, Cathedral complex, Plaza de la Almoina, Santa Catalina, Plaza Redonda, Lonja and Central Market.
  • OPTIONAL: tour inside the monuments, tasting of typical foods and private transport.
  • AUDIENCE: for all ages and people with disabilities.We adapt to your needs and available time.

Tours available in all languages: Spanish, English, French, Italian, etc.

To book your cruise tour with an Official Valencia Guide, contact us through our form, send us an email or call us.

We will be happy to assist you!